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Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

發(fā)布日期:2025-02-24   作者:文鋒科技
Each vehicle is bound to one or more drivers, and when the vehicle enters and exits, in addition to license plate recognition, entry and exit time period calculation, and entry and exit frequency calculation. When the vehicle enters the front of the barrier gate, the driver needs to roll down the window and face the camera. The system automatically verifies the driver and the vehicle, and only active drivers and vehicles with entry and exit quotas can enter. Whether the vehicle and driver successfully enter or not, they are synchronously reflected on the computer/PAD/mobile phone of the management end and display end. When encountering special reasons, you can apply to the administrator for temporary access to the barrier gate. After the administrator enters the reason on the computer/PAD/mobile phone, the system allows the vehicle to enter.

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

This intelligent software and hardware system interfaces with several types of hardware such as Hikvision‘s swing gates, license plate recognition cameras, facial recognition access control, vehicle entry and exit gates, network relays, and network sound columns. Integrate with the management backend to deeply manage the entry and exit of vehicles and personnel.


Register the vehicles with their respective departments and set the allowed entry and exit time periods. In addition to license plate recognition and time period calculation, set the monthly cumulative entry and exit frequency, daily entry and exit frequency, and monthly entry and exit frequency for the vehicles in the department.

If the vehicle is used up beyond the prescribed limit of entry times on the same day, the vehicle is not allowed to enter.


Each vehicle is bound to one or more drivers, and when the vehicle enters and exits, in addition to license plate recognition, entry and exit time period calculation, and entry and exit frequency calculation. When the vehicle enters the front of the barrier gate, the driver needs to roll down the window and face the camera. The system automatically verifies the driver and the vehicle, and only active drivers and vehicles with entry and exit quotas can enter.


Whether the vehicle and driver successfully enter or not, they are synchronously reflected on the computer/PAD/mobile phone of the management end and display end.

When encountering special reasons, you can apply to the administrator for temporary access to the barrier gate. After the administrator enters the reason on the computer/PAD/mobile phone, the system allows the vehicle to enter.


Like vehicles, personnel from different departments and units are granted access permissions for different time periods based on their job positions. For example, workers can only enter and exit once a day, and in special circumstances, they should contact the security administrator for authorization to enter and exit.

When personnel arrive at the gate of the swing gate, they will perform facial or iris recognition with the facial recognition access control, and the system will authorize the swing gate to open for personnel to enter and exit. For personnel who leave through the escape route, the management system will always display that the person has not left. The system will push an alarm to the security management team. After the security administrator confirms on site, they will reply to the system about the incident and simultaneously contact the alarm.


Once an emergency situation occurs, the security team administrator will activate an emergency notification, and the on-site network speakers will issue a voice notification for emergency evacuation. At the same time, the flashing alarm light will continue to flash, using sound and light to notify on-site office personnel to evacuate as soon as possible. During emergency evacuation, play the evacuation route map on the large screen at the scene. After the safety is revoked, the evacuation is completed, and the on-site alarm sound and light alarm are turned off.



Function List:

Backend configuration:

Personnel quota setting.

Vehicle staffing settings.

Departmental configuration.

Vehicle configuration.

Driver configuration.

Personnel configuration.

License plate recognition camera configuration.

Access control configuration.

Barrier gate configuration.

Network sound column configuration.

Swing gate configuration.


Front end business logic:

Vehicle entry and exit:

Authorize vehicles to enter and exit.

When authorized vehicles enter and exit, the gate will no longer be opened when the configured number of vehicles is fully parked.

Administrators can manually intervene in opening and closing the barrier gate.


On site appointment, fill in the license plate, entry and exit time period, and reason. The mini program will push it to internal personnel to confirm authorization.


Take photos and archive them when vehicles enter and exit.


Personnel entry and exit:

Authorized personnel conduct remote verification through on-site facial recognition.

At this time, based on the current number of personnel, compare the upper limit of the configured personnel. When it is not fully staffed, open the gate to enter.

If full, entry is not allowed.

Administrators can manually intervene in the opening and closing of the switch.


On site appointment, taking photos and filling in the entry and exit time period and reason, the mini program pushes to internal personnel to confirm authorization.



The system is divided into a display end and an operation end. There is no quantity limit for adding the display end, and there is no quantity limit for adding the operation end.

Simultaneously supporting display and operation on PAD, mobile phone, and computer.



Statistics of Large Screen Landing:

On duty personnel statistics.

Statistics of incoming and outgoing vehicles.

Statistics on overcrowding of incoming and outgoing personnel.

Statistics of remaining vehicle usage.

Temporary personnel statistics.

Alarm event statistics.

Statistics of escape incidents.

Statistics of security administrator authorization events.


Tel: (086) 199 0808 0851.





西安市長安區(qū)公務用車短途帶司機版小程序源代碼 更多更詳細的功能請見西安市長安區(qū)公務用車短途帶司機版小程序的功能清單。 【西安市長安區(qū)公務用車短途帶司機版小程序功能清單】 1、現(xiàn)有車輛集中管理。 車輛今年出車人次、乘客資料,出發(fā)點及目的地,行駛里程,駕駛車型及司機資料,加油量,養(yǎng)護次數(shù),行駛車速是否超速,是否W章等數(shù)據(jù)均可查、可看、可統(tǒng)計、可導出。 4、司機集中管理。 司機今年出車次數(shù)、每次乘客信息,行駛里程數(shù),所開車型,加油量,行駛車速是否超速和W章等數(shù)據(jù)均可查、可看、可統(tǒng)計、可導出。 5、車輛、司機排班管理。 車輛、司機什么時間到什么時間被預約出去,什么時間段是空閑;在車輛和司機資源緊張的情況下,司機和車輛不再是用半天歇半天、結算時算整天;沒有預約或沒有出車的司機和車輛,即時是在下班前一個小時,遇到短途的用車申請照樣可以調度,大限度上提高司機和車輛的使用效率。

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重慶打車APP順風車APP代駕軟件源碼司機端 (1)(重慶打車APP順風車APP代駕軟件)司機使用單獨的APP,司機端APP沒有注冊按鈕; (2)可以通過兩種方式注冊成為(重慶打車APP順風車APP代駕軟件)司機, (3)一種是先下ZAI(重慶打車APP順風車APP代駕軟件)乘客端APP注冊成為普通會員,再在左側的滑動菜單里提交駕照、行駛本、人車合一照等材料申請成為司機;后臺審核通過后下ZAI司機端APP登錄即可,登錄的賬號仍然是之前注冊成為普通會員的賬號,但是不能再次當作普通會員來進行打車使用。 (9)區(qū)別在于(重慶打車APP順風車APP代駕軟件)聽單廣場可以查看3分鐘內的訂單并進行搶單或拒絕訂單;熱力地圖里只顯示當前的訂單,不會顯示其余的訂單。

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C?ng ngh? Hà N?i Phong phát tri?n m?t ph?n m?m app và ph?n c?ng website, well chat applet và Tikktok applet V?n phòng C?ng ngh? Wenfen* có t?a ?? t?i B?c Kinh, Trung Qu?c. Xay d?ng t?i 2009, t? ch?c ch? y?u là tri?n khai ?ng d?ng ph?n m?m và ph?n c?ng c?a website, wechat applet và Tikktok applet. Nó ?? phát tri?n thành c?ng Mitsubisi PLC Internet c?a các th? nang c?p, h? th?ng mua vé máy bay t? ??ng, Valet ?ng d?ng, m?t ?ng d?ng g?i th?, h? th?ng ??u xe th?ng minh và h? th?ng máy gia t?c, ?ng d?ng chính th?c, ?ng d?ng b?o trì t?i n?i M?ng, ?ng d?ng khó kh?n cho máy bay, ?ng d?ng Hailing trên m?ng, máy u?ng các th? ph?n m?m và ph?n c?ng, h? th?ng ki?m tra tr?c tuy?n, h? th?ng cài ??t l?p, h? th?ng qu?n ly siêu th?, màn hình n?n r?ng l?n, c?ng trình mua hàng hóa(chǎn) truy?n tr?c ti?p H? th?ng giám sát khu v?c g?i, ph?n m?m thiên nhiên và h? th?ng ph?n c?ng, ch?y tr?n APP, th?c ph?m APP, h? th?ng qu?n ly tài s?n y h?c th?ng minh, h? th?ng m? ph?ng tài s?n 3D d?u h?a, h? th?ng d? li?u t?o n?ng gió, h? th?ng th? tr??ng ?a c?p, h? th?ng gi?t giày và phan ph?i.

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免費注冊 免費咨詢